Welcome @ "Heaven Radio"
On this site I present a choice from the music I received after a Near-Death-Experience.
Listeners tell me they experience feelings of relaxation, warmth and tenderness, listening to the music.
I try to refresh the selection every month.
Rob Schlebaum
Listeners tell me they experience feelings of relaxation, warmth and tenderness, listening to the music.
I try to refresh the selection every month.
Rob Schlebaum
"Silent Music"
You can listen to samples from every piece of music I received on the website "Silent Music" and you can read more about my N.D.E. and the origin of the music.
"Kleuren van Licht"
"Colors of Light". About twenty years after my N.D.E. I started to paint, trying to show some of the beauty of the experience. Although I succeeded only for a (very) small part, the images were often recognized by "fellow-NDE-travellers". Be welcome to have a look on "Kleuren van Licht".
The painting on and behind this page is called "Surrounded by Angels".
"Heaven Radio"
On this site I like to express my gratitude for what this music means to me and share it with other people. If you like to share your experience please use the mail-form on the page "contact".
From September 7:
"Silent Music 6" part 2, Tiny Bells part 4, Consolation part 6, Contemplation "Silent Music 8" parts 7, 3 en 8 without title |